Done in Notepad++ v8.7.5
Find: [ ]+
Replace: ,
Match (1 or more spaces).
Replace with (a comma).
Find: (\w+), (\w+), ([\w+ ]+)
Replace: \2 \1 \(\3\)
Match (multiple letters, a comma and space, multiple letters, a comma
and space, and multiple letters then a space repeated once or
Replace with (the second group of multiple letters, the first group of
multiple letters, then the third group of letters and spaces in
Find: mp3
Replace: mp3\n
Match (the exact string ‘mp3’ then a space).
Replace with (‘mp3’ then a new line).
Find: (\d{4}) ([\w+ ]+)(.mp3)
Replace: \2_\1\3
Match (4 digits, a space, multiple letters, ‘.mp3’).
Replace with (the multiple letters, underscore, the four digits,
Replace: \1_\2,\3
Match (an uppercase letter followed by one or more letters, comma,
multiple letters, comma, one or more digits, a period, one digit, comma,
one or more digits).
Replace with (the uppercase letter, underscore, the multiple letters,
comma, the last digits).
Replace: \1_\2,\3
Match (an uppercase letter followed four letters followed by zero or
more letters, comma, multiple letters, comma, one or more digits, a
period, one digit, comma, one or more digits).
Replace with (the uppercase letter, underscore, the four letters, comma,
the last digits).
Replace: \1\2, \4, \3
Match (three letters followed by zero or more letters, comma, three
letters followed by zero or more letters, comma, one or more digits then
a period then one digit, comma, one or more digits).
Replace with (the first three letters, the second three letters, the
last digits, the group of digits period digit).
Match (a space).
Replace with (nothing).
Find: ,NA,
Replace: ,,
Match (comma, ‘NA’, comma).
Replace with (two commas).
Find: [^,/.a-zA-Z\d\s:]
Match (anything except comma, forward slash, letters, digits, and
white space).
Replace with (nothing).
NOTE: this removes the snake_case formatting of the variable names